Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Scenic WonderRunner said:Tim.............!
You have done an Awesome Job Organizing this!:26_7_2:
I commend you!
God's Speed!
Oh Look!
com·mend /kəˈmɛnd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh-mend] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object) 1. to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.; recommend: to commend a friend to another; to commend an applicant for employment.
2. to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence: I commend my child to your care.
3. to cite or name with approval or special praise: to commend a soldier for bravery.
4. Feudal Law. to place (oneself or one's land) under another's protection so as to become his vassal. 5. Archaic. to recommend (a person) to the kind remembrance of another.
I really like Number #4 ......hehe:26_7_2:
Did you just call me a vassal? Or did I just get some land? :shakin: :wings:
Thank you SWR. Its comments like that, that keep me to going.
From your story about being stuck up on the mountain and your CB getting you out way back I know wheeling with you will surely be a good time.
We'll need to meet up on the trail sometime.
Looks like it will be 70 degrees on saturday! Perfect. I was worried for just a sec when I looked out the window to SNOW on four peaks on Monday!
:costumed-smiley-007 :camping: