Introducing the Van-That-Can- 2000 E350 V10 EB Passenger Van


Finished up the install yesterday, and as soon as I got it back on all four wheels realized I had a problem. The front springs are too tall, and really, really stiff. The rear seem fine. I called Chris and he is looking into it.


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A couple of questions for Chris or anyone else who knows:

1. I drove it around a little last night bedding in the brakes and trying to see if the front springs would settle in some. One thing I noticed is that the ABS seemed to kick in really easily, not only on hard stops but also on moderate stops, to the point where it is pretty dangerous. I can, and may, just pull the fuse and run without ABS, but does anyone have an idea of what the issue could be?

2. Does anyone have any pictures of where to trim the front stock bumper to clear the front spring hangers? I started to mock it up last night as it was getting dark and it looked like the brackets themselves would have to be removed from the bumper and trimmed as well? Also, do you just use the 2 stock bolts/side, or do you need to drill additional holes in the bracket and have 4 bolts/side?



Put the old springs back on the back, you'll be back to even!

Oops, somehow I thought it was you who got new springs in back and ended up with something like 4" higher than expected. Um, yeah, nevermind.

Maybe you have the right springs, just on the wrong axles.


Oops, somehow I thought it was you who got new springs in back and ended up with something like 4" higher than expected. Um, yeah, nevermind.

Maybe you have the right springs, just on the wrong axles.

I did initially get the wrong rear springs, but it was just an issue of the front sleeve being the wrong size. There really isn't any way to switch up the front and rear springs- they are pretty clearly marked and have different sleeve sizes, plus the front springs are significantly bigger that the rear.

I think that Atlas just made a mistake on the springs for the front, maybe they were for a diesel, or ???

I am going to go weigh the van at lunch today so I can give them the weights for the front/rear/overall, so hopefully they can get me some new leafs. I am leaving for 8 days in Baja a week from Sat, so hopefully we can get this figured out before then. I don't think I (or the van) will survive any washboard roads the way it is now- the front is just way too stiff.


If anyone is interested, the weights on my van were:

Front: 3,480
Rear: 3,260
Total: 6,760

I'm a little surprised that it is that evenly balanced. I thought there would be more bias towards the front.
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Baja Ironman
If anyone is interested, the weights on my van were:

Front: 3,480
Rear: 3,260
Total: 6,760

I'm a little surprised that it is that evenly balanced. I thought there would be more bias towards the front.

Moving the front axle forward as you did, and with all the overhang of the EB - it makes sense that the weight would be more evenly balanced.

I have been following your Prerunner on RDC - mine has been a long time process as well. I started a thread on RDC Let-me-introduce-you-to-Raquel over 3 years ago but have not updated it lately - fabrication is finished, waiting on plumbing, wiring and body for the most part. Like you it has taken a lot of money and time - and still not finished.

Also, I just finished my '97 E350 V10 EB SMB conversion from 2X4 to 4X4 over the last month or so. Like you, I did the suspension conversion first and then T-case and gas tank a month or two later. I also ran into problems with the steering gear and pitman arm length and clocking. I ended up replacing the steering gear box with a re-man unit and it had different indexing than the original and a bigger sector shaft diameter which allowed me to use a longer SuperDuty pitman arm which worked out great - helped out with the fact that I had moved the axle center line forward 1.5".

Anyway, nice write-up! I'm just west of you on the far west end of Palomar Airport Rd and the Coast Hwy if you want to compare notes.



Moving the front axle forward as you did, and with all the overhang of the EB - it makes sense that the weight would be more evenly balanced.

I have been following your Prerunner on RDC - mine has been a long time process as well. I started a thread on RDC Let-me-introduce-you-to-Raquel over 3 years ago but have not updated it lately - fabrication is finished, waiting on plumbing, wiring and body for the most part. Like you it has taken a lot of money and time - and still not finished.

Also, I just finished my '97 E350 V10 EB SMB conversion from 2X4 to 4X4 over the last month or so. Like you, I did the suspension conversion first and then T-case and gas tank a month or two later. I also ran into problems with the steering gear and pitman arm length and clocking. I ended up replacing the steering gear box with a re-man unit and it had different indexing than the original and a bigger sector shaft diameter which allowed me to use a longer SuperDuty pitman arm which worked out great - helped out with the fact that I had moved the axle center line forward 1.5".

Anyway, nice write-up! I'm just west of you on the far west end of Palomar Airport Rd and the Coast Hwy if you want to compare notes.


Hey Ramsey- I have been following Raquel's build since the beginning as well- I keep hoping for more updates! Good to hear she is getting closer to being done.

You did a TTB conversion on your van, correct? I'm sure we would all love to see some pics of that.

After driving around the van for a few days now, the steering feels OK with the stock arm. I am losing a little bit of turning radius, but not much. The stops are only about 3/8" from hitting at full turn. I am going to leave it as is for now, and at some point I will get a steering box and use the longer arm that Chris sent with the kit.

BTW, I still remember following you on RDC at the 07 1000- I had just chased my buddies' class 1 car down to the Mike's turnoff (right when the helo crashed) but had to get back home that night for some reason. I got caught up in following you (Fri night??, or Sat night??) when you were one of the last ones out there, and ended up staying up all night on the computer cheering for you. It was pretty cool when you rolled across the line.

Would love to check out Raquel and your van sometime- I will PM you here or on RDC.
Long time lurker, first time poster...

The Methods look great on your van. I thought about getting some for my van, but I already have a set on my DD F150. I thought I should mix it up a little, but seeing yours, it looks great. I dropped some wheels at the powdercoater today, doing something different. Hopes it looks as good as the Methods...

I have always loved your F150, been following it on RDC and DR for a long time. Raquel is going to be a killer as well. They take forever, I know, my F100 still has a ways to go. I quit setting deadlines a long time ago. If people ask, I just say it will be done for the 1000, I just never tell them what year.

I literally just got back from Atlas, I am doing a 4" on a V10 as well. If you think your springs are wrong, I can take some measurements off the ones I just picked up. They don't seem to have much free arch, did yours? Have you done anything to the rear in that picture? I'm curious how mine will turn out. The rest of my U-Joint goodies should be coming tomorrow or the next day.


Long time lurker, first time poster...

The Methods look great on your van. I thought about getting some for my van, but I already have a set on my DD F150. I thought I should mix it up a little, but seeing yours, it looks great. I dropped some wheels at the powdercoater today, doing something different. Hopes it looks as good as the Methods...

I have always loved your F150, been following it on RDC and DR for a long time. Raquel is going to be a killer as well. They take forever, I know, my F100 still has a ways to go. I quit setting deadlines a long time ago. If people ask, I just say it will be done for the 1000, I just never tell them what year.

I literally just got back from Atlas, I am doing a 4" on a V10 as well. If you think your springs are wrong, I can take some measurements off the ones I just picked up. They don't seem to have much free arch, did yours? Have you done anything to the rear in that picture? I'm curious how mine will turn out. The rest of my U-Joint goodies should be coming tomorrow or the next day.

Wow, I guess having a van and prerunner project going at the same time is the cool thing to do :) It would be interesting to compare our springs, but I didn't take any measurements before I installed them. They did have a lot of arch though, so that confirms my feelings that they made the wrong springs for me. If you don't mind, post up the eye to eye measurement as well as the difference between the eye to eye centerline and the bottom of the springs (or just flip it upside down so it is resting on the eyes an measure how tall they are). When I get my new springs we can compare them. Hopefull they will be close!

In the picture the rear has the new springs/shocks installed, and that is about what I thought the rear would look like. I wish I would have taken measurements at the wheel well to see exactly what the before and after heights were. I would def. suggest doing that.

Start a thread for your van build. There is a lot of great info here. The install has not been too bad other than the issues I have had with the springs. Everything that is UJoint has been great so far, and Chris is really helpfull. My only other suggestion is to check the splines on your pitman arm before pulling it off so you know if you can use the new arm or not.
My springs are 51 1/2" eye to eye, and 8 3/8" at the centering pin when flipped over. That is to the highest point, which of course would be the bottom of the spring when installed.

Good advice on the pitman arm. I would be bummed to spend time wrestling the stocker off, only to find it won't work. You're right about Chris, great service, and fast! I know it sure doesn't work that way with other offroad vendors.

I will start a build thread once I have more to report, I'm still in parts gathering mode right now. I plan on taking the van to Baja for the 1000 in 2wd, then doing the transfer case stuff after the holidays. And yes, 4wd vans will be the coolest tow/chase vehicles in Baja. Everyone has a Super Duty. I slept in my van when I went to the 500, try doing that in a pickup!


My springs are 51 1/2" eye to eye, and 8 3/8" at the centering pin when flipped over. That is to the highest point, which of course would be the bottom of the spring when installed.

Good advice on the pitman arm. I would be bummed to spend time wrestling the stocker off, only to find it won't work. You're right about Chris, great service, and fast! I know it sure doesn't work that way with other offroad vendors.

I will start a build thread once I have more to report, I'm still in parts gathering mode right now. I plan on taking the van to Baja for the 1000 in 2wd, then doing the transfer case stuff after the holidays. And yes, 4wd vans will be the coolest tow/chase vehicles in Baja. Everyone has a Super Duty. I slept in my van when I went to the 500, try doing that in a pickup!

Sweet- thanks for the measurements. I will measure my current ones when I take them off and the new ones when I get them and post them up here.

Plan on taking mine down to the 1000 in 2wd as well. Let's keep in touch- I plan on heading down for the whole week but not sure where yet.
No problem. I haven't made my plans for the 1k yet either. The peninsula runs are always tough. I preran all the way to LaPaz last time, but this year, I don't know how far south I want to go...


Supporting Sponsor
Spring issues.... grrr!! He sent the new set of rears and I've got him making a new set for the front. By the end you'll be the fastest spring changer out there! :D

I had a similar ABS issue recently. Under deceleration somewhere between 10-15mph the ABS would kick in and freak out the pedal. I played with for a while and eventually took it to Ford. The tooth count on the front unit bearings was different, causing the computer to freak out. 1st time it's ever happened to me. They were MOOG replacement unit bearings. We didn't have time to dig deeper so we pulled the ABS fuse and everything is great.

I never liked the "feel" of the ABS on my van so it's been unplugged since I did the conversion in 06.


Chris, or anyone else that knows-

What are the torque specs for the front springs, at the front hanger as well as at the shackle end?

For the rear springs, the stock torque is supposed to be 240 ft-lb for the front hanger, and 70 ft-lb for the 2 shackle bolts, but I was a little hesitant to go that high on the front springs.

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