Jeep Wrangler Habitat Official Release


I agree with pretty much everything Wade said above. I've had a great experience talking with AT about Habitat details and ideas over the last 15 months. It's a brave new world of having customer input involved in the design process. It's been great to have as much information as possible about the development process and the problem solving going into it. The more the better. Getting regular updates has definitely made waiting for the best Christmas present in the world to come a lot easier.

I totally understand delays because of required design improvements to the shell and opening mechanism. If it has to be reengineered to handle the stresses then that's what has to be done.

If the Habitat and version 3 tent are available early enough to still get some enjoyment out of them in the Summer and Fall, then going with an early version of the tent which will be replaced with a version 4 makes sense to me. It's not ideal, but there are benefits and drawbacks to being early adopters. I've got the same concerns about getting to Prescott more then once, installation ease, additional cost, recouping cost on the first tent, etc.

That said, to my eye, the version 4 of the tent really represents a big leap in design from the version 3. If I'd never seen it I'm sure I would have been totally happy with the version 3, but now the genie is out of the bottle. The shape and design of the windows and doors really looks well finished. All in all it looks solid. The awning design and the hint of a possible 4 pole/4 seasons set up is icing on the cake.

Based on my interactions with AT I'm pretty optimistic they'll burn the midnight oil to make these transitions easier on everyone. If I go with the version 3 tent on the shell it'd be good to understand how a version 4 tent retro fit would work and what the cost would actually be.



"That said, to my eye, the version 4 of the tent really represents a big leap in design from the version 3. If I'd never seen it I'm sure I would have been totally happy with the version 3, but now the genie is out of the bottle. The shape and design of the windows and doors really looks well finished. All in all it looks solid. The awning design and the hint of a possible 4 pole/4 seasons set up is icing on the cake."

Jeff, very well stated!!!! I wonder if there is any chance for a Nemo fast track for early adopters that could coincide with "actual" shell availability, then take whatever time is needed to get a fully streamlined production line in place? I would pay the balance if this was possible, although more likely a completely labor intensive process like duplicating a prototype by hand without a full production process in place end to end. AT, can you reveal tent V3?

Ursa Minor

Active member

...there are benefits and drawbacks to being early adopters...

Just an overview of various revisions of the tent, for anyone tuning in late:

The #1 tent (first prototype/UMV "Gen 1") served to test the sewing process, the folding hardware & check dimensions, and to get a feel for where/how the windows would land. It was orginally on the SEMA J8

The #2 tent (UMV "Gen 2") further verified the hardware/dimensions, and we tried a Roof-Top-Tent style window design. We found, as expected, a few things remained to be adjusted, but much of the cutting was driven from CAD and templates so changes are easy. It replaced the #1 tent on the J8

The #3 tent (NEMO prototype) has some really cool features and incorporated some things we've learned, but again we'll be making changes based on in-field use. (Mario's been getting a lot camping in while visiting the Jeep Jamborees)

Those are the tents so far, every thing else is concepts in our heads or in CAD. What comes next is what we're evaluating and soliciting feedback from early depositors about. I expect to make another prototype tent, and we may have others from Nemo. Nothing is set in stone in terms of what the next tent will look like, but probably a mix of what we've learned, what we've done, and what we've heard - ie, #3 with refinements regardless of it's made by UMV or NEMO. Generally, it's better to sell campers in the summer, so we're working toward that goal. To set expectations, there is not a path to getting NEMO tents faster/earlier due to their backlog.

For early units that ship with a UMV tent, the goal is to ensure everything is consistent between current and future tents - for replacability and manufacturing ease. There will be a cost to change to a newer tent style, but this may net out against price offered on the first units. It won't be hard to install - screw driver, patience & a bottle opener type of thing.

- John


Thanks for the tent update. Neat to see all three at once.

Other than the tent, what else is going on? Are you producing the shells now? Will there be a change in that for the production versions?

Thanks again.



Breaking Wind

(Pun intended) :shakin:
And these were posted on AT Overland Facebook page. The wind guards just set on the stove. I would prefer to have the drawer 1/2" taller and have this mounted and lay down with one or two bolts to tighten to prevent rattles. A good gust could blow it right off the stove. :(



HEY! Could one move the mounting bolts to get the 1/2" space????

This is an example of user input mentioned by Jeff above to Mario. Getting there...

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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Thank you for the feedback. It is a prototype so it's open to change. The windshield sides sits down into the stove by a 1/4". It's a tight fit, tight enough that the cross bars of the grill have to be ground down so that it can slip in. The housing could be raised by 1/2" but that leads to some other issues that would have to be dealt with.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I'll get the info on the folding table and cutting board on the website today. It's been on my to do list for a while now just don't have enough hours in a day. Once it is on the website and web store I'll post up links.


Thank you for the feedback. It is a prototype so it's open to change. The windshield sides sits down into the stove by a 1/4". It's a tight fit, tight enough that the cross bars of the grill have to be ground down so that it can slip in. The housing could be raised by 1/2" but that leads to some other issues that would have to be dealt with.

Unless it absolutely has to be there for support, is the right shield really needed with a fridge to block the wind?


Can the stove windscreen be used from either side in it's current configuration? Either allowing the chef to be standing in-between the stove and the open tailgate, or reversing the windscreen and standing on the drivers side of the vehicle facing the tailgate? It would be nice to have the option of where you want to stand.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Can the stove windscreen be used from either side in it's current configuration? Either allowing the chef to be standing in-between the stove and the open tailgate, or reversing the windscreen and standing on the drivers side of the vehicle facing the tailgate? It would be nice to have the option of where you want to stand.

Yes the screen can be used on either side of the stove.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Unless it absolutely has to be there for support, is the right shield really needed with a fridge to block the wind?

Wade, I'll send you the prototype for experimentation and you can let us know your findings. My first thought is that having two arms makes the windscreen much more stable. It would also cut down on grease splatters hitting your fridge.
Yes the screen can be used on either side of the stove.

Since we're on the subject, when do you expect to have wind screens available? Will they be an extra cost or included in the stove and slide package? (Since I already jumped in with both feet on that purchase.) :chef:


Wade, I'll send you the prototype for experimentation and you can let us know your findings. My first thought is that having two arms makes the windscreen much more stable. It would also cut down on grease splatters hitting your fridge.

Grease? What grease? :chef:

Thanks a lot Martyn! Will report back.

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