Lucky8’s Project Discovery 3 Update : Ugly shoes
Ok so everyone and their stepmother hated the silver rims. I get it! Please stop with the hate mail.
Please stop.
I was hoping the silver and green would look good. Unfortunately for me this was wrong but I have made amends. Here is the rim in black.
Full of chest pounding confidents in my new black rims we headed off to the winter romp.
The best way to describe the conditions at this years winter romp is sugar. This powder sugar type snow made movement almost impossible and if you got off the beaten path , well as they say in the big city forget about it.
After battling most of the nigh through mounds of sugar snow I had no love left for the LR3. I’ll throw this question out there. Why the hell did the engineer responsible for traction control turn off power to the motor when it is needed most?
I had enough of traction control, terrain response and kinetic straps for one night. It was time for bed.
Early the next morning I went out to scowl at the Lr3. Believe me when I tell you this, I wanted it to be good. But every time I need it the truck it would let me down. I finished my tiny breakfast at Big Gs and went back out to give it another go.
Photo by Zack Griswold
The trail conditions changed a little over night for the better giving the Nittos some solid ground to bite. If you listen closely to this video clip you will hear how hard I had to work the truck to get it through what seems like an easy snow-covered trail.
I was able to enjoy the truck a little more the second day, and to be honest everything was getting stuck out there.
Photo by Zack Griswold
There is no poser pic today but I do have two videos and a question.
Video one is a well equipped Disco3 on a 2in lift running snow chains. This truck was in rock mode as it tried to cross a sugar patch. Although both lockers were engaged the computer would not let the truck pick up the speed needed to get across.
Video two is the L8 Disco 3 in sand mode. I had to flog it all the way through the sugar patch. By keeping the REV’s up and all the wheels spinning about the same speed my new nemesis, the computer did not shut down the engine.
Now the question.
What setting in terrain response is your favorite and why?