Pretty Ugly... 1835, The Build Begins


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That is a consern of mine. i have the book but at the front th3 gearbox and drive shaft mean i can get the pivot point no lower than i have put it above on the front. Center and rear can be pretty much anywhere.

The options i have seem to be.
1 Put all 4 points at this lvl regardless of where the longitudal pivot point is.

2 have the pivot points incramentally lower from front to back to try and lesson the sheer preesutes.

3 try to use the longatudal (north south) pivot point at the front. This way will let me put pivot points at correct height all over. Reduce the movement between cab and hab. But it will half the amount of movement the hab box can do b4 it contacts the hard stop. ( if i keep the current height above chassis.(( only way to improve this is double the height of the gap between chassis and sub frame which i cant spare the height to do)) ).

If kept like the above shows do u think the 32mm gap between drive shaft and pivot will be enough?


That is a consern of mine. i have the book but at the front th3 gearbox and drive shaft mean i can get the pivot point no lower than i have put it above on the front. Center and rear can be pretty much anywhere.

The options i have seem to be.
1 Put all 4 points at this lvl regardless of where the longitudal pivot point is.

2 have the pivot points incramentally lower from front to back to try and lesson the sheer preesutes.

3 try to use the longatudal (north south) pivot point at the front. This way will let me put pivot points at correct height all over. Reduce the movement between cab and hab. But it will half the amount of movement the hab box can do b4 it contacts the hard stop. ( if i keep the current height above chassis.(( only way to improve this is double the height of the gap between chassis and sub frame which i cant spare the height to do)) ).

If kept like the above shows do u think the 32mm gap between drive shaft and pivot will be enough?

It was exactly the problem I had. The front 'pivot' as you say falls right in the middle of the gearbox. I guess it depends how far off road you plan to go in your truck... I ended up having the outer fixed pivots at the front, and 3 central pivots along the length of the chassis. It still allows the same amount of twist, the only drawback is you have to have sufficient clearance between the rear corner of the Hab Box and whatever you bolt to the chassis underneath. I'm not saying what I've done is the right way, but it works. If you want more pics or a sketch of what I've done, shout.


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Wow over a month to report on I must keep more upto date with this and not let business get in the way ;-)

I have been Stripping all the parts from Big Red that I want to swap over onto Pretty Ugly which includes larger air tanks, Undamaged airbox, Exhaust box with Lower rear gas exit, lots of the internals and undamaged dash etc Larger Ali fuel tank, Both cab doors and Hinge units.

the 2 fuel tanks complete with filters lines and heaters 1st is 350ltrs 2nd is 450 ltrs2020-10-02 17.34.18.jpg
2020-10-02 17.33.571.jpg

New Doors with better windows and panels etc , Although As you can see I will have to do some panel work on them to cut out the wheel arch and unfortunately when I removed the doors the drivers side fell and has dinged the lower front corner and top Left corner :cry: such a silly mistake and prob should not have lifted it off on my own.
2020-10-04 17.19.13.jpg

2020-10-04 17.19.22.jpg

Airboxes and the 2 exhaust choices , I am still not sure that I will not keep the vertical stack one to keep the smells out the way I am just concerned it may soot up the Solar panels

2020-10-02 17.33.50.jpg

2020-10-02 17.33.291.jpg

Oh and I finally got around to swapping the old wheels and rims for the super singles 4
2020-10-11 12.42.351.jpg
yes yes those eagle eyed of you will spot that the fronts have not been swapped out in this picture yet and that I have been playing with a frame setup to work out the longitudinal pivot point which I will go into much more a little later on


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The UD Bushes, 95 ODx47ID and 50 MM high tensile round have arived for the Sub-frame pivots.2020-10-10 12.22.28.jpg

and I have mocked up the wood and made some Vs out of flat with a hole every 10mm going up to test for the correct pivot point for each mount.
2020-10-11 17.17.38.jpg


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More goodies also arrived in the mail box for the build

Upon opening the mail box:cool: we found all of this lurking inside
2020-10-22 10.22.12.jpg

Jemima Looking happy with the doors windows and hatches
2020-10-23 09.41.39.jpg

Getting it all into and out of the truck was pretty hard work and there was a lot of learning along the way. each of the straps are holding in the steel strips that will be used to bolt it to the chassis

Once we got the truck home with all the goodies we started to unload but only got as far as getting all the internals and the 2x 50mm wall panels out before the wind caught the roof panel and it fell onto Jemima unfortunately dislocating her right shoulder requiring a ambulance trip to hospital where we also discovered there was damage to the rotator cuff and the ACL :eek: this will be surgery and a long recovery.
2020-10-23 16.46.45.jpg

the very next day ;-) we had to get the truck unloaded so decided to work smarter not harder and used the forklift and alot more strapping on all panels to secure them

2020-10-24 14.20.32.jpg

Every thing in and secure thank goodness

2020-10-24 17.48.02.jpg

and last but not least we also got the 48v 200amp externally regulated alternator for the battery bank setup and it is Huge

2020-10-23 08.31.32.jpg


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I have managed to get a little more done inside the cab .



But have been spending most of my time trying to convert an old greenhouse into a workshop to work on the truck in. But these things are never easy. 1st step was to remove half of the green house as sold it to help things along.

then some modifications to the internals on a few trusses to allow for the height of the truck and hab box.

An idea of what needs to be done
Lots more to say but have run out of time for the moment . If anyone knows the secret to makeing more time please let me know :)


Hope your wife is recovering well and ACC is looking after the accident.

That alternator is massive :)


Active member
Jemima is up for opperation on rotator cuff and ACL but acc is slow and will take a while we have had to take on another staff person to be her hands :-( , but the new person is turning out to be pretty good :).

The Alternator is truly a monster, we have the externL regulater coming from usa so have a while b4 i can test things with it.


Active member
Decided to test the new induction cook top for pretty Ugly, i can only say i am impressed 1 ltr of water in a cold pan and the 1st time its ever been turned on turned it to lvl9 and did not use the boost function. It simmered the water in 3.30 and had a heavy boil at 4.45 mins . Just for giggles I used the sam pan with a fresh cold 1 ltr of water and put it on the medium sized burner of our houses smeg cook top which is Gas. It took 12 mins to get to a lite simmer and 16 mins to get to a lite boil where i got board and turned it off.
Both tests were with no lid and same pan both from cold start.



Active member
Managed to get some holes dug and some welding done today for the new front door of the workshop to be ?



With any luck it wont be too long before pretty ugly has a roof over its head and i can start to make better progress

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