Scoutkid's van is HERE!!!


Van Builder
Just a second set of eyes, looks like you have a washer doubled on the lower back bolt, while the upper is missing one.

Great progress and a great project!!

Thanks Riley! That was just a mock up, I had washers all over the place :) I managed to not break my radius or ulna, OR dislocate my shoulder with the 3/4" bit. MAN am I glad that part is out of the way... If I were to make a job of doing this I would get a mag base drill all the way. WAY too scary to try and manhandle that kinda torque.

VERY cool van. This build is gonna be sweet.

Thanks!! I got the hangers off and they have 2 coats of paint on them. Off to a BBQ for a bit then I will get them put back on when I get home!


Van Builder
Got an early start this morning and got the spring hangers and front frame support bolted up. I am going to go sans-front bumper for a while, at least until I find a nicer stock one at a minimum. Mine was in pretty sorry shape.


Passenger side:


Drivers side (you can see my prefered instrument of persuasion in the background):



Jean-Paul Gudka
Good work! Watching this build with interest. I live in Denver too, would love to check out this kit in person. I love my (new to me) van, making it 4WD I would love it more lol.



Van Builder
And it will be glorious.....



After I get back from a few activities this afternoon I will get the rea axle all ready to go. I have it set up right now to keep the pinion angle at a 'factory' angle. I will hack off the old perches and burn on the new ones supplied from Ujoint.


HOPEFULLY tomorrow I can pick up my springs, and get these two boys some exercise!!




Van Builder
Good work! Watching this build with interest. I live in Denver too, would love to check out this kit in person. I love my (new to me) van, making it 4WD I would love it more lol.


Thanks! Just shoot me a PM and swing by some time this week. :)


Van Builder
If I lived closer, I'd be hanging out with you. Cool way to spend a day.

I can certainly think of worse things to do with my time! My goal is to get it up and rolling in the next couple of days. It won't be 4wd yet, but at least mobile!


Van Builder
Well I broke my pitman arm puller trying to get this little guy off on Saturday, so I ran to my local Advanced Autoparts (I really love those guys) and borrowed one of theirs this morning. 10 minutes later I had it off and the new one ready to go on.

But wait - Apparently I need to trim my crossmember first, because there isn't enough clearance around the sector shaft to get this new big beefy guy up on there!

Time to plasma :ylsmoke:

Also - my springs ARE in Denver, I will pick them up this afternoon and get to work ASAP!



Van Builder
Well I had to wait ALL day for the freight company to finally get to my pallet. Apparently the holiday caused a massive backlog of trucks and frieght. Either way, I was able to bring this home with me:


These bad boys are massive and well built. A am excited about the military wrap on the front, it looks like Chris thought of everything!


I LOVE seeing stickers like this! I hadn't really thought about it but this is a VERY American kit!


And they look SO GOOD under that frame! Should have came from the factory this way.


In addition, I got the front crossmember cut and the new pitman arm installed. I ran out of light to get the holes cut in the frame for the front shackles, but I will get those done first thing in the morning.


Expedition Leader
Very enjoyable thread! I check in 2 3 times a day just in case something changed......Your excitement rubs off.....nice that you are having so much fun. :coffeedrink: I rated you excellent!
I agree....Made in the USA should bring tears to all of our eyes. Soon there will be no one to buy products cause there will be no jobs. A few more years the Chinese will be sending jobs here cause of the cheap labor the Americans provide cause they are starving....except for the rich of course.
Yea UJoint!
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Van Builder
Very enjoyable thread! I check in 2 3 times a day just in case something changed......Your excitement rubs off.....nice that you are having so much fun. :coffeedrink: I rated you excellent!
I agree....Made in the USA should bring tears to all of our eyes. Soon there will be no one to buy products cause there will be no jobs. A few more years the Chinese will be sending jobs here cause of the cheap labor the Americans provide cause they are starving....except for the rich of course.
Yea UJoint!

Thanks! I try and keep things fun, without it, life could get awfully boring in a hurry. Plus, I like watching other people's builds, so I figure I should give back!

Looking forward to following the project!

Thanks Rich! More to come thats for sure.


Van Builder
Well I think mother nature took this whole 'end of summer' thing a little too seriously as today there is a distinct lack of sunshine and a more than noticable amount of cold, wet matter falling from the sky... Did this deter Scoutkid from making progress?! NAY! I got out the trust Plasma and had my cardboard laid out so I didn't get TOO soaked. I couldn't strike a nice arc, so I pulled off my tip and found this:


But I have a spare, right?! Somewhere in this mess of a shop?! NAY... So, with a mere 4 holes to go, I am stopped. But did THAT stop me from making progress? NAY!

I knocked off the old perches on the rear axle and got it set up to burn the new ones back on.


Now I have to call every welding shop in the greater denver area and see if I can find some consumables...


Van Builder
Egads! The only place in town who carry Thermal Dynamics stuff has to order the tips and gas diffusers, parts may take a WEEK!! So if anyone in the greater Denver area wants to lend me their Plasma for a few hours there is a 12 pack in it for you!


Supporting Sponsor
I've returned to civilization! Cody WY to be exact. Yellowstone was amazing, more pics & info to come.

The conversion is looking great!!! Good job so far. Just an FYI (got your text) the 4" springs net a 6" lift with the spring hangers.

Also, every UJOR part is made here in the US. Thats the only way!!!!!!!!!

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