That pretty much brings the build up to date. The H3 is far from done. The rig works very well, but like most builds, there a still things to make, and others to adjust. Here is a rough draft of what still needs to be done:
Hydraulic Bump stops. I have no bump stops whatsoever. I will be getting East Coast Gear Supply to install some Fox ones.
Ram assist skid plate. ECGS will also be fabricating a custom one.
Body protection. ECGS will also be doing some external tubing to protect certain body parts. Not an exo-cage. Something more along the lines what the Aussies do on their rigs. Trying to keep weight to a minimum.
Exhaust Wrap. R&J Custom Exhaust is going to do an exhaust wrap. It helps a lot with heat issues in the Alpha. Not doing it for performance reasons.
Power steering pump. R&J will also be swapping out a PSC pump. I want them to do it just in case it doesn't hold up. I had originally installed it, but it blew after 5 minutes of use. Had it rebuilt, and we'll see if this time it lasts longer. If not I'll do one of my rebuilds like I used to do to my TJ ones that have lasted forever after that.
EVAP relocate. I'm thinking of relocating it somewhere it's not going to get full of off-road debris. Also contemplating just putting it into a sealed tupperware like container, which in turn will have it's own breather/snorkel. The intake on the EVAP is too big to just add a breather to that. Will take some looking into and coming up with a solution.
Dual Battery setup. I have one from Artec but it is far from ideal. It's made for Optimas. I need to find a better solution. I really haven't had the time to look for battery alternatives that aren't Optimas.
Internal storage. The rear seats on the H3 come out easy, so I want to make a wood storage shelf/container that will help hold things on long trips. Mainly because that's where the spare will go. Want to bring the center of gravity down and forward.
MFC holder. Once the spare is inside, I will be making a MFC holder for two Specter containers in it's place. This keeps it low and outside if the vehicle.
Atlas transfer case. That's way down the road but something I would eventually like to do. Won't be any time soon though. The OEM transfer case is known to be weak, and I wouldn't like to be stranded in some remote place.
All these mods are things that I would like to do, but who knows when I'll get to doing them. Hopefully soon. The East Coast Gear Supply mods will be done in the following weeks. I already have an appointment setup. Can'y wait!