I am following about protecting the family by not having a gun, but what about the roughly 2.5 milllion defensive uses of hand guns in a year in the United states? How do your numbers stack up against that?
I am not going to run the math for you, but I'd wager my two newest guns that there is a greater chance of needing a gun defensively than having your kids shoot themselves.
The other facet to that problem has already been brought up--Training. I have 4 kids, 7 and under. I don't lock up my weapons, I keep the majority of them loaded, and my kids are comfortable around them. They are not forbidden fruit so to speak. If the kids want to touch them or handle them, I let them and use it as an opportunity to give a quick gun safety class. Whether at home or at anyone else's house, if the kids see a gun, they yell "there's a gun out" and go tell an adult. I conduct tests of this periodically and leave a double checked unloaded weapon out. Sometimes obviously, sometimes partially hidden. I then check to see if it has been disturbed after awhile if I don't hear the "gun out" alarm. So far, my kids have a perfect score. My loaded guns are kept without a round in the chamber and I choose specific firearms with actions that are nearly impossible for a yound child to cycle. While some of my weapons are within reach, the kids don't think anything about it. They have seen the pistols, they have touched them, they have seen me take them every place we go. To them, it is nearly as exciting as getting into mom's china.....
When other kids come over, I relocate things to more inaccessible locations.
Quick anecdote:
My Dad has roughly 60 guns. On my last count, (10 years ago or so) He had 45 or so loaded, staged in different parts of the house. With three boys in the house, numerous friends over, many parties, family holidays, 10 kids or so, over the course of 30 years, the closest thing he has had to an incident was a 2 year old getting a loaded bolt action 22 rifle out of a kitchen cabinet and toddling across the room with it. There was no round chambered--that is how he keeps his guns too. Several folks freaked out, but the most damage he could have done was dropped it on somebody. He had the rifle for about 4 seconds....