I can almost see the finish line...
(above) I met with the guy who will upholster the bench seat and back rests yesterday...We kicked ideas back and forth and agreed on the approach for this project...The bench cushion will be made with a dense foam set on a 1/4" plywood base...The overall length of the cushion is just over 5' and the plywood I want to use is 5'x5'...The plies are flatter and the quality is better than what I can get as a 4'x8'...So to get the extra length I used a rail guided router to make a 1/8" x 3/4" half-lap joint...To that I added enough 1/8" plywood to make the panel 61" long...
You can see the pattern on top of the cushion base...The added plywood is taped on the left edge...
(above) Back to the Jeep...I'm going to work my way forward and finish the details, and there are a lot of them...The driver side gets worked first...
(above) Back in the far rear corner is the roll bar and the connection to the gas manifold...The original plan of having a heater on top of the countertop is history...So instead of having a stainless steel flex line come out of the copper, there will be a valve and quick connect fitting...This affords the option of connecting a heater or another gas appliance...A BBQ or a multiple burner stove, an oven, or ???...The connection is there if you need it...
The problem (for me) was the flex line was wrenched on before the cabinet was in and that flex line need to be removed...Removing it was exceedingly difficult...No room to turn a wrench...It took me close to an hour using several combinations of gripping tools to get it loose and the new stuff put on...I am a man of great patience and this was one of those tests...Confirmed...
(above) The lower end panel was next...The intake for the gasoline fueled space heater is back there and there was no vent for that...So i put one in the panel...Simple hole and backing block...
(above) The finish side looks like this...
(above) Screen on the inside...
(above) Glued with polyurethane adhesive and clamped...
(above) To cover that space, I first made a pattern...
(above) Adjust it, then traced it to to a scrap of 1/2" ply and cut it out...
(above) Test fit...You also see the fire extinguisher that will go in there...
(above) Peel and stick veneer...
(above) Ready to get installed...First I glued in more support for the shelf to the side of the cabinet...
(above) The fire extinguisher will hang from a hook that is bolted to one of the bolt ends that mount the exterior grab bar...Perfect...To keep the extinguisher from rattling around, I PSA taped a piece of carpet to the lower edge of the extinguisher....The roll bar also received a matching piece of carpet...No one likes rattles and this one won't...Custom is about thinking through the details...
(above) A few other details were finished back there, then it was time to finish the drawer stops / cabinet vertical edges...Hammer and chisel time...These were attached with polyurethane adhesive and pin-nails...
(above) And when it was done, it looked like this...You can also see the teak filler piece at the floor...Also the shelf edge got an apron under it and a piece of veneer covered that...You see the fire extinguisher placement as well...I'm pleased how this all turned out given the existing conditions I had to work with...
(above) View from the bench seat...Clean...
(above) Over on the curb side, the drawers got their edge treatment...Also a piece of teak was put on the bottom back edge of the inverter panel and the battery switch/beaker panel were trimmed in zebrawood... Looking good...
(above) Up front the cover for the pneumatic ram was veneered and installed...
(above) It's all about functionality and that means paying attention to the details...The cushion will go to the vertical edge of the cover panel...
(above) Over on the driver side countertop wall, a multiple outlet power strip was installed on a piece of 1/2" plywood that was poly-u glued and pin-nailed to the teak edge...Over the plywood, extending to the roll bar a piece of zebrawood veneer...I like how this worked out...
(above) The black panel is a drop down table...There was a piece of duct tape keeping it closed...Classic...That's gone now...
(above) Replacing tape as a fastener are a couple pieces of industrial strength Velcro ...More better...
The Jeep really is turning out awesome...In the forefront of my mind while working on this vehicle is that it can (and hopefully will) be driven from Alaska to the tip of Chile, or from India to Norway...And if you are on such an expedition, the time you spend in the vehicle should be a quality experience, not a grueling endurance challenge...Those considerations guided me throughout this process...Quality in design and build...Something that can't be rushed if you want it done to meet the anticipated conditions...I appreciate very much Mike giving me the creative liberties I've taken...
Not done yet...More later...