OVRLND CAMPERS ONLY : Post your OVRLND Camper build here or a link to your build thread to inspire others!


New member
What is the overall height of the full size cab over model when it is folded (from the top of bedrail)? Trying to determine if it will fit in garage.
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What is the overall height of the full size cab over model when it is folded? Trying to determine if it will fit in garage.
There is no general overall height, it depends on your truck and camper specifically. Call OVRLND and ask for dimensions of the camper that would go on your truck and add it to the height of your truck


Well-known member
What is the overall height of the full size cab over model when it is folded? Trying to determine if it will fit in garage.
FWIW, mine on a FS PU (2nd gen Tundra) is right at 8’ at the rear edge and 7’9” front edge. That’s unloaded. My truck has about a 2” front lift and 3” rear (again unloaded) on 34s. The camper has the 10” cabover extra height. With the fan/vent I use 8’6” as my minimum height clearance when traveling.

My typical Phoenix area garage height/clearance is a couple inches less than 7’, so there’s no way to fit. I use a cover for UV protection.

I doubt you could get even an unlifted full size PU with the 8”cabover Ovrlnd in a standard height garage, but it depends of course on the garage clearance. Maybe you have a much taller garage?

Hope this helps.


New member
What is the overall height of the full size cab over model when it is folded (from the top of bedrail)? Trying to determine if it will fit in garage.
As others have said it really depends on several factors... but for reference I have a stock 2021 ZR2 and without any extra bedding height and the Maxxfan 4000k model I'm able to fit in my almost 8ft garage. I was able to confirm and plan for this during the build phase thanks to Maggie's help over email.


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
I'm finally getting around to wiring my third brake light on the OVRLND camper.
Can the connection be made from either taillight?



Expedition Leader
Thanks for the reply!

To be clear man, that was a tongue in cheek joke....right = passenger, left = driver, so to do it "right"....yadda yadda yadda...dad joke.

Really, you can wire from either side the same. I wired mine from the driver side as the solar gland wiring was on the driver side and I wanted a cleaner run.


Speaking of wiring, can those who have done some wiring, like lighting and solar, share some pictures of how they routed them? Thank you.


Expedition Leader
I finally got around to making a drop down table for the camper. On Jay's advice, I VHB'd the aluminum unistrut to the skin and through-bolted the assembly.

Should work well for a prep table for lunch; I'll build a 8020 box on the inside to hold utensils and things like that. I think it came out alright.



New member
So I'm sitting in my camper right now and there's a fair bit of wind. I keep hearing the sound of what I assume is the aluminum skin of the camper flexing in an out in the wind. Not concerning but it is annoying. Anyone else have this issue?

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