So, Which Truck?
Prior to reading this thread, I was figuring on putting a Dodge Power Wagon under an XCamper. After reading all the above, I'm not believing that's enough. The PW out the door has only 1,850 lbs cc. Even if I were able to re-spring it and add air bags for comfort & leveling, I'd still be past the factory spec. Plus, the frame wouldn't be as robust as the 3500.
So, my question is whether you XCamper owners know ANY reason why not to buy a 3500 to outfit an XCamper (other than the obvious $10,000 difference in price)?
I've decided not to go the long-bed route. Torn between a better departure angle versus shorter turning circle, I pick the latter. If I angle the bed enough, what with the ability to remove the bumper, that'll just have to be good enough. If I get in a hole or find myself in front of an unexpected obstacle that's too high, I guess the rear bed parts will just get some grinding.