XPCamper Updates


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For the XP, does anyone know the dimension: bottom of camper to bottom of undercab ?

Also, any hints on what a XP camper weighs (dry weight would be fine) and where the fore and aft centre of gravity is?


39" from the bottom to the overhang. My camper was 2600 dry. I have 4 batteries and the big inverter, so the majority of the weight is at the front left corner. 1053 to be exact. 816 RF, 489 LR, 324 RR.


Supporting Sponsor
No problem. I have both 37" spare tires there right now. I may swap one out for a tool box.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Such a Great camper, It will be great to watch this thing develop and grow. I am curious as to if I could mount it to a flatbed I already have mounted, and dimensions? Since Im dreaming, ever mounted one to a larger chassis, Kodiak, topkick, unimog, etc? It sounds Like any gaps between the walls and or 2 piece door are sealed well.


Supporting Sponsor
The overhang is the biggest hurdle with mounting the XP to anything besides the truck chassis. Marc has a good system to mount the camper to the flat bed, I went a different route since I built my own bed and we're on opposite sides of the country. His system is easier for camper removal than mine.


So, Which Truck?

Prior to reading this thread, I was figuring on putting a Dodge Power Wagon under an XCamper. After reading all the above, I'm not believing that's enough. The PW out the door has only 1,850 lbs cc. Even if I were able to re-spring it and add air bags for comfort & leveling, I'd still be past the factory spec. Plus, the frame wouldn't be as robust as the 3500.

So, my question is whether you XCamper owners know ANY reason why not to buy a 3500 to outfit an XCamper (other than the obvious $10,000 difference in price)?

I've decided not to go the long-bed route. Torn between a better departure angle versus shorter turning circle, I pick the latter. If I angle the bed enough, what with the ability to remove the bumper, that'll just have to be good enough. If I get in a hole or find myself in front of an unexpected obstacle that's too high, I guess the rear bed parts will just get some grinding.


Nimbl Vehicles

Freedom to Roam
We have moved!!
Bigger digs in Grass Valley
124 Clydesdale Court, Suite E
Grass Valley, VA 95945

i phone pics 018 (1024x768).jpg

Got a mill to make some cool stuff :sombrero:
i phone pics 026 (768x1024).jpg

And a monster air compressor. 50 HP...more than my first car :wings:

i phone pics 022.jpg

And this cool tool.. My global knife of the wood shop :chef:
i phone pics 150.jpg

And some more precision tools.
i phone pics 149.jpg

Come on by and say hi if your are in the hood.




Supporting Sponsor
XPCamper Factory Visit

I am currently visiting the XPCamper factory in Grass Valley, California. I arrived in time to see the newest XP being delivered to the happy new owners.
Here are a few pics:


Supporting Sponsor
Tacoma XPCamper factory pic

Here is a teaser photo of the new Tacoma XPC direct from the factory in Grass Valley :) :

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