Search results

  1. LtFuzz

    classic range rover diesel conversion

    What does this mean for the other ratios? Is the 6th gear strictly an overdrive?
  2. LtFuzz

    Why I love my Land Rover

    I've had a different experience -- people frequently make fun of the perceived unreliability of Land Rovers, but I've run into very few people on the 'net or on the trail that have seriously disputed the off-road capability of RRCs, D1s/DIIs, or Defenders. Even in the hardcore Jeep crowd (like...
  3. LtFuzz

    99' Land Rover Discovery SD

    This guy is selling his 4.6, says it's low mile, for $1500. Even if you paid a shop to install it you'd have a sweet 4.6 D1 for, what, $5k? Maybe 6?
  4. LtFuzz

    Best Discovery II year?

    If it's a just-for-fun 4x4 project, and you have the tools/capability to maintain it, then you're the perfect candidate for Disco ownership, IMO. FJ80s are hideous compared to an '04. Just sayin'. :ylsmoke:
  5. LtFuzz

    1999 4.6 HSE. Good buy?

    Airbags or springs? Probably airbags... You'll hear from two crowds -- one crowd will tell you the P38 is an underrated truck with overstated reliability issues, the other crowd won't touch that truck with a ten foot pole. One crowd is bigger than the other. Take a guess which :sombrero: I...
  6. LtFuzz

    Post pictures of your Land Rover.

    Not mine, but an interesting, um, take seen in Denver, CO...
  7. LtFuzz

    Best Discovery II year?

    For day-to-day use, a 2004 is going to burn a car payment per month in gasoline.
  8. LtFuzz

    classic range rover diesel conversion

    Hey Eric, How thick are your cooling fans? I just installed a beautiful new .5" tube 4-row, it fits like factory -- but I've only got 2.25" of clearance for an electric fan. Think I can cut down the mechanical fan shaft stub?
  9. LtFuzz

    Arizona Traverse: Who will be the first moto to complete the route?

    Definitely. The more the merrier! I love writing so I will definitely be able to document the trip to that extent.
  10. LtFuzz

    in need of help!

    Any word on if this guy got out or not? I want a full story, b_jeepin'!
  11. LtFuzz

    Arizona Traverse: Who will be the first moto to complete the route?

    I'm ready to go -- Scott, do you have a better map than the one you posted earlier? Something that breaks down the different segments, i.e. a point-to-point deal? Just did waterpump and solid-state fuel pump, so I'll just throw on a set of D606s and drag over what I can't ride :sombrero:
  12. LtFuzz

    in need of help!

    When you say the 4WD disengaged, you mean you had it in 4lo or 4hi? Did it pop out or just grind to a halt?
  13. LtFuzz

    My new-to-me 6.2L Disco

    Indeed, here for the captain's career course
  14. LtFuzz

    My new-to-me 6.2L Disco

    Oh, it went great! :wings: :ylsmoke:
  15. LtFuzz

    is a 2.5 NA a non-interference engine?

    Sorry to hear that dude, I know it was a new truck to you
  16. LtFuzz

    Arizona Traverse: Who will be the first moto to complete the route?

    Yeah, that's the one I assumed he was talking about. I guess we're all waiting to hear from Scott and see who gets the nod (?) :sombrero:
  17. LtFuzz

    D1 Head gasket repair

    You have to machine the heads flat -- you can usually take the head to a machine shop
  18. LtFuzz

    New Defender Concept

    I wonder about that. If they offer it here in a more reasonable trim package, with a turbo-diesel... would you spend your $35-$40k (assuming it's in that price range... base model LR4 is what, $44k?) on a brand new, never-offered-before-in-the-US diesel Defender? Or a 20 year old, long in the...