Of course the block is the same size. I dunno, I feel like the ease of access in a D1 engine bay is more than a 4.6. (And I don't mean my 6.2, I had a '96 D1 w/3.9 as well). Could just be a "feeling" though :)
My point was that extreme field modification is easier on a D1 simply because there are fewer systems that are more flexible and more physical room to modify a 3.9/4.0 than a 4.6 should you need to. We can all agree that parts availavility isnt usually an issue.
This shouldnt be a fight to...
His D2 is sweet.
<$4k isnt going to get you the truck you really want. If waiting a bit means you can get to the $6k range your options increase dramatically.
I dont agree with Dcwhybrew overall, but his point that a crappy D2 will make you hate Rovers is a good one.
With these trucks so...
I do agree that a D1 is a better starting point. When I got stuck in CO with my '95 a few months ago a local mechanic and I completely rearranged the engine bay in two days. Youre not going to do that with a D2 4.6.
But the man likes the D2 so why try to convince him they're all money pits...
Let's do this, Dale! I've been on most of this route (if it's what I think) and the 950s will be fine as long as their waterpumps hold. With two people you can drag that pig through hell and high water!
I'm available any time through 15 Nov. Early October would be ideal weather, I think.
Check out Dr Aaron @ RoversOutEast
He deals mostly in budget D90s but has the occasional Series. No experience personally but his trucks get mixed reviews (as in many positive, some negative) so do your due dilligence.
Dale has a sweatshop of eBay and CraigsList monkeys under his employ (or...
Go easy on him. A well maintained D2 with reasonable miles isn't necessarily the black hole you're making it out to be. There are thousands of blissfully ignorant non-enthusiasts that see their Rover as just a car and drive around fine for years.
I had a '96 D1 in college. It wasnt repairs that...
Indeed. If LR tones down the looks a little and offers it in the US with a sweet little 4 cylinder TD, decent running gear, and under $35k ... We'll all be falling over ourselves to get one
lol, that's like the 4th time I've asked someone which bumper they have, and each time it's Rovertym
Guess it's about to be Rovertym for me, too :sombrero:
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